Online Auctions
58135  Hagen, Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 40
End off Friday, 07.06.2024 12:00 Uhr
auction status: active
Lot no.: 217
Stahl, Größe ca. 2 x 3 m
estimate price: 100,- €
Starting bid: 50,- € (0 Bids)
estimate price: 100,- €
Current highest bid: 0,- €
end of bid: 07.06.2024 13:17:30
Important NOTE:
The bid is accepted with reservation!
The bid acceptance only becomes valid when the auctioneer dissolves the reservation.
Please do not bid if you do not agree with this.
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Auction details:
VAT for this lot: 19%
Auction fee for this lot: 18%
VAT on auction fee: 19%
Ende der Auktion ab: 07.06.2024 12:00:00


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